They were divided into three tiers, led by Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel (the best wines, with just nine chateaux on this rung), followed by Cru Bourgeois Supérieur (87 properties) and then the standard Cru Bourgeois estates (151 properties). .... Chateau Tronquoy-Lalande (St-Est?phe) Chateau Verdignan (Haut-Médoc) Chateau Vieux Robin (Médoc) Chateau de Villegeorge (Haut-Médoc). Cru Bourgeois. The majority of classified chateaux were included here. ...
par tronquoy le Mer 11 Ao? - 15:24. Le notaire qui nous a vendu la maison n'a semble t-il pas tenu compte du fait que la maison décrite avait été rasée et recostruite en bois. Lors de travaux et avec l'usure du bas d'un pignon nous nous ...
some surprises were btronquoy/b lalande, cos labory and phelan segur which in the past, i've never been a big fan of?. montrose was very good but made in a more tannic than usual style that i've never experienced from this bestate/b. ...